Tuesday, January 09, 2024

'Equal Justice' my ass

Many of President Donald Trump’s supporters called him an undercover fed on January 5 when Epps encouraged a crowd to hit the Capitol the following day.

Well, what a way to strengthen the conspiracy theories! Those who did not commit any violent acts received years in prison. Their lives are ruined.

Epps received one-year probation, 100 hours of community hours, and has to pay a $500 fine.

Speaking of people who need to be fired, and the lawyers disbarred, the Dept. of 'Justice' is full of them.


  1. Do you think Epps will get a security detail? If not, what are the odds he doesn't survive the next five years?

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Cops open doors for you, stand around while you walk in --> years in jail.
    Assmunch Epps incites, “We need to get inside the capitol. Inside the building” and gets nothing.
    There isn’t any law left. There is just legalese written down somewhere that doesn’t mean anything.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    A quick and dirty "trial" so he can't be charged with anything if/when a new administration takes over.

  4. the lawyers disbarred,
    You misspelled Jailed.
    Prosecutorial misconduct needs to come with the penalties delivered to the defendant. The damage, so wrongly shoved into the lives of people who were Escorted through the building needs to be visited on the people who did it to them AND they need to be Made Whole again. Homes,jobs,reputations, and some cash on top of it all. And whatever counseling needed For Life.
