Wednesday, January 24, 2024

And now to (formerly Great)Britain

First, "You're not allowed to show our faces while you're recording in this public place!"
Then "DON'T TOUCH HER!" when he touched the PRC flag.
Then a cop tries really hard to make him stop recording their conversation, then tries to tell him he's racist, etc., for calling the Chinese involved Chinese and saying "That's a communist Chinese flag."

As he notes, there've been thousands of Hamas supporters, many foreigners, parading around with Hamas flags and calling for dead Jews, and the cops mostly did nothing.  But State Forbid this guy say some truths that might upset- well, someone...

It's still there so far, we'll see if YouTube wants to kiss the PRC ass by taking it down.


  1. This is what you see everywhere, including here in America. The only difference is in America we can fight back using the First Amendment....IF you can afford the legal fees.

  2. Anonymous9:05 PM

    “Fighting back” is what the Stasi wants.
    Then after making your life a living hell you get to declare bankruptcy!
    Isn’t living in a free country grand?
