Thursday, January 25, 2024

About that 'Hooray for Texas!' earlier, this is getting a bit sporty

Oh yeah, this could get real sporty, since it started with one state giving Biden & Co. a big middle finger, and how there's several hands worth doing it.

Must be driving Biden & Co. up the wall.  "We have to smash those people!" would turn into a massive 'Biden trying to force open the border for illegals' at the least.  Send troops?  Oh, yeah, that'll go over well.  With a few leftists, everybody else will range from "What the hell is he thinking?" to "Maybe a trip to Texas is in order, since the left loves it some 'mostly peaceful protests', maybe we can give them one."

I don't generally eat popcorn, but a taste of something appropriate would be good.


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    The Beacons are lit ! Gondor calls for aid. Whom will answer?

  2. What is your definition of "sporty"?

    It'd be a hell of a wake-up call to the bidenites if a blue-state governor finally got fed up with the illegals and also joined the red-state governors in support of Abbott.
    Though I wonder how badly the bidenites have intimidated the Democrat governors, mayors, etc.; Eric Adams got punished for speaking out against bidenite policy.
