Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Well, it's a UN agency, and their moral compass always points to 'Dislike the Jews and

support the terrorists', so...
Well, it turns out that the organization’s Deputy Chief (as well as her husband) are huge supporters of the Palestinian cause. So much so that Sarah Douglas holds Zoom meetings with pro-Palestinian posters behind her, and her husband is an outright Palestinian rights activist.

They are, in other words, open Israel haters. Douglas is a big fan of the vile organization Jewish Voice for Peace and likes tweets that accuse Israel of “genocide.”
4/ UN officials are barred from partisan campaigning. Yet UN Women's Sarah Douglas routinely endorses tweets by far-left politicians: Rashida Tlaib claiming Israel “is starving Gaza”; AOC calling to condition aid to Israel; and “IfNotNow” endorsing pressure on Senator Warren.

"Who cares about Jews being raped, they deserve it!  So says UN Women!"

I'm back to Lawdog's idea for dealing with the UN:
Since I like to copper my bets, I’d draw an advance on my first months paycheck, buy a truckload of dynamite and order the Commandant of the Marine Corp to de-infestate the UN building.

While the Marines are chucking UN politicos off the pier, I’d be personally setting charges in the UN basement.

At lunchtime, I’d have a cheeseburger and fries and watch the UN building go up like a Roman candle.

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