Sunday, December 10, 2023

Well, dammit. David Drake has died.

From what I've heard of his health probably better now than later, but dammit.


  1. 😔 I liked his books.

  2. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Yeah, really hits close to home on this one.

    I first met him at Shevacon 2003, in Roanoke, VA. Spent a lot of the time talking with him, and Eric Flint. And was able to get a picture of him shooting my M1A, the first time since he left Vietnam.

    And he could still shoot. Going to miss him.

  3. The slammers were my gateway into military sci fi, and the RCN series was some of the most fun in a while. I was already missing his work, and now I guess I won't stop.

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Slammers, RCN, Northworld, short stories, all good.
