Tuesday, December 26, 2023

On a less happy subject, kids are still being abused by dishonest 'researchers'

who want to keep giving them 'gender-affirming care'.  I'll give one excerpt.
Tordoff and her colleagues at the clinic and the University of Washington–Seattle (Seattle Children’s is the teaching hospital of the UW School of Medicine’s pediatrics department) watched as a group of kids at their clinic were given blockers and/or hormones and showed no meaningful mental health improvement over the course of a year. Then, by torturing various statistics so severely it’s a miracle they weren’t dragged to The Hague, they published a study basically claiming the opposite. It was one of the more noteworthy examples of genuinely pernicious medical misinformation being published by youth gender medicine clinicians in recent years — a complete breakdown of the important barrier between researcher and activist. ...
Same as I said before: someday there will be a reckoning for the bastards doing this.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    They love them so much…
    Send’em pills

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    "someday there will be a reckoning"
    I'd like to have that kind of faith, but as long as tptb are staffed by the unscrupulous and greedy, I fear it'll be a long wait.

  3. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The tyrant claiming their way is good for you is the most sadistic even if they claim science. Evil will say and do anything to claim it is just a different viable opinion.
