Friday, December 08, 2023

John Effing Kerry demands lot of people freeze or broil to death

in the name of "I don't like coal."  

Not to mention all the countries that depend on that for electricity being screwed.  But it won't affect him and his fellow 'elites', so...

CAIR, whom the Democrats have been kissing the ass of, admitted they like lots of dead Jews, and the Biden clowns have realized that doesn't go over with with many people.  So they're, officially at least, cutting ties.  Wonder how long that'll last?

The International Red Cross is shit.  Run by shitheads.
The parents of an Israeli being held hostage by Hamas were reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross after they tried to ask the Red Cross to transfer prescription medication to their child. The Red Cross told them they needed to "think about the Palestinian side. It's hard for the Palestinians, they're being bombed." The Red Cross did not agree to transfer the medication to the Israeli hostage!

More on the pieces of shit the UN and leftists are so worried about saving.
Personally, let the Israelis finish Hamas in an example of "We're tired of your shit.  Start it again and we kill you all."

The school admins and every teacher involved in this need to be fired.  And probably made to register as sex offenders.

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