Friday, December 15, 2023

Interesting piece about what feminism has become

One bit from it:

I think what you were talking about, though, also has everything to do with such hubris that human beings can do a lot better than God. God doesn’t exist. We can construct; we can perfect; we can improve all social reality, no matter how many hundreds of millions we have to kill to do that, to perfect it. And we’ve seen that tried, and yet that ideal remains. Also, there’s a disbelief in evil, an absolute refusal to see that, “Oh, evil does exist and can’t quite be legislated away with money, without money.”

So, I think partly a religious point of view would not look at any of these subjects the way an anti-religious person would. I think you’re right, though, this also the performative, the Judith Butler stuff, you can’t understand a line that they’re writing. They have no courage. They don’t wish to be understood because then they might have to pay some consequence for what they’re saying. And it’s so affected the mandarin language that it’s hopeless. But there’s this belief that the narrative on the page, the performance of self or of narrative, trumps reality. It’s quite a bubble that is not good to be in. I never was. But it has certainly taken over the academy, hasn’t it?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:03 PM

    the lunatics are running the asylum. Since the 70s we have closed their homes, apparently elected them to office and every high-power place in society. Only to watch as they continue to spread feces on the walls and call it art. To make matters worse . We elected the wrong guy and are being punished for it. Welcome to ameriKKKa comrad.
