Friday, December 29, 2023

'Humanitarian ceasefire', 'You need to tone it down because the world objects' my ass

Much of said 'world' wishes Israel would be overrun, and as to the rest, screw that noise.  Been noted before, lots of Gaza civilians took part in the rapes and tortures and murders, so screw 'em.  They did the FA, they need the FO.  Good and hard.


  1. When I first heard of what happened I wondered about "Never again!".

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    “ lots of Gaza civilians took part in the rapes and tortures and murders,..”

    ….nah never mind.

  3. The IDF commits a lot of rapes, tortures and murders too. They just don't put it on facebook.

    Screw both of them. It's the land of fucking around, and it's long past time they all found out.

  4. The world just does not want Israel to exist. i can not see any reason to pay attention to them.

  5. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Uing an American saying, A good islam is a dead islam. Make it so, Israel.
