Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Hey, sounds like something I said a few days ago

Hamas broke a humanitarian truce last week in order to avoid releasing Israeli women who endured rape or other atrocities in its custody, Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s spokesman has suggested.
They don't mention the other slight problem of 'how many of the hostages have been murdered while held by Hamas?  Y'know, like that family of four?"

Being the chickenshit politicians they are,
Miller, the State Department spokesman, backpedaled from his initial remarks about the collapse of the truce while nonetheless implying that the testimony of those hostages would add to the account of the atrocities.
The leftists and national socialists screamed, so they throw that out as a bone.  Hell, Biden spent a while apologizing to them because he had the nerve to say that the casualty counts from Hamas might not be accurate.

By they way, I've lost count: how many US hostages does Hamas still(suppposedly) hold?  And has our President thought of telling them "Release all our hostages or we'll help the Israelis kill you all"?
I know, that'll be the day from these assholes. 


  1. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Ghengis Khan solved Muslim intransigence and hostility in his tine. Harsh, but effective.
    "He made a desert and called it peace."
    This, after ordering that a hostile capital city, once his forces had taken it, that they should kill every living thing within the walls, down to the rats and mice.
    John in Indy

  2. Normally I wouldn't advocate for death to a human. Seems that God had a commandment against that. But He also used words that put a distinction between killing and murder. He also said an eye for an eye.
    Now theologians can argue all they want about my statements. And in so doing they will create an opening for humans to continue in their animalistic ways.
    In my humble opinion; the Jewish population has whatever "right" they assert to eliminate those human animals.
    And I pray that they accomplish that right in a swift and glorious fashion.

  3. Hamas is such a mess on C2 that I doubt they even know where all their hostages are, dead or alive. It's not just the terrorist side either -- I would expect this from pretty much any Arab run organization.
    I honestly don't know why Israel doesn't agree to the two-state solution, wait for the inevitable attack in violation of the agreement, and then declare war on the second state, rather than this civil war that they are dealing with.

  4. "US hostages". Israelis with dual citizenship, you mean.
