Friday, December 01, 2023

Chilly, overcast and damp;

yeah, it's December.

Visiting friends east of town meant getting back kind of late yesterday, and I was saved from starvation by a place called Basil in OKC.  Mediterranean food, good stuff.  Recommended.

And it was a good, just too short visit.

And now, your morning bitching:
Today, ethics watchdog Protect the Public’s Trust announced litigation against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for denying a series of records requests related to involvement of FBI officials in the censorship of American citizens as revealed in the Twitter Files exposés. Despite the heightened level of public interest in these records the FBI refused to comply, even though records available in the public domain acknowledge the existence of these documents.
The short version is "Yes, they're supposed to be public, and you have a right to see them, but we already look like crap for what all we've been doing and we don't want to give you more ammunition. So here are our excuses for not doing what we should."

More on the terrorists we're supposed to sympathize with, and who claim they know best for us:
“I think we made the point. We came here, we disrupted the event, we canceled Christmas, so give it up for yourselves,” yelled a protester as a pro-Muslim mob stormed a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The mob completely ruined the celebration and terrified children. At one point the grown Muslim sympathizers chanted, “America is a terrorist state.”

“Christmas is canceled everywhere until Palestine is free,” another protester yelled. Watch videos below.

The mob later broke into a building housing a local children’s choir. They yelled and screamed as the children tried to sing Christmas carols.

Yeah, mess up Christmas ceremonies and scare kids.  Oh, you're great people, sure.
Oh, and throw in that the people doing this in some places were carrying national socialist swastikas.  Nice touch, assholes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    what bullshitters. there is no christmas in islam.
