Tuesday, December 05, 2023

A couple of things to point to this morning

They need to fire a bunch of indoctrinators, and hire actual teachers.
Let’s dump the curriculum and teach Palestinian propaganda instead, said a group of Oakland (CA) teachers. They proposed an all-day “teach in.” Um, no, said district officials.

One early-elementary lesson proposed for the “teach in” encourages children to identify what they “will chant at a Palestine protest,” reports Jill Tucker in the San Francisco Chronicle. In an alphabet book titled P is for Palestine, the letter “I” represented “intifada,” which refers to armed uprisings by Palestinians against Israeli control of disputed land. (The book says the word means”rising up for what is right!”)

Note this:
“Only one third of students met or exceeded state English standards in Oakland Unified in 2023. One quarter met or exceeded math standards. Enrollment is declining.”
I repeat: fire all of them, and hire teachers.

Head of the climate summit says "I want to end fossil fuels, but  “please, help me, show me a roadmap for a phase-out of fossil fuels that will allow for sustainable socio-economic development, unless you want to take the world back into caves.”
And the climatistas melt down.  Again.

Germany is screwed.
And I'll bet the 'women's movement' types will make excuses for the rapists, just like they do for Hamas.

And I have to go do stuff now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I'd imagine the psychiatrist would change her mind if she was the one gang raped.
