Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Yes, they're worse than the original national socialists in one way:

The sheer glee with which Hamas, by contrast, killed parents in front of their children and of children in front of their parents, was broadcast to the world. Nazi sadism was routine and widespread, but it wasn’t built into their actual operational plans in the way that Hamas’s sadism has been.

The gas chambers were invented in part because the Nazis did not much enjoy the actual process of killing Jews as much as Himmler hoped they might. As Laurence Rees notes of Himmler in 1941, "He had observed two years before the psychological damage that shooting Jews at close range had caused his team of killers and so he had overseen the development of a system of murder via the gas chambers that to an extent distanced from emotional trauma." No such trauma is evident in Hamas’s teams of killers, who phoned up their parents on October 7 to boast about the number of Jews they had killed.
The Nazis recognized that if the Red Cross or other international agencies uncovered evidence of the Holocaust there would be an international outcry, whereas Hamas has spotted something about the modern world that has meant that instead of demonstrations against their atrocities and hostage-taking, the largest demonstrations globally have taken place against the victim, Israel. Even movements traditionally seen as on the Left, such as the women’s movement, have failed to raise their voices against the mass rape of Israeli women on October 7.

Which is forever to their shame. 

Just like the morons who listen to Hamas leaders saying they want lots of dead old people and children in Gaza, because 'they will be martyrs we can use to show how bad the Jews are', and saying openly they want all Jews dead, and either the leftists hate Jews just as much as Hamas & Co or, like all the idiots before WWII opened, did not- or would not- believe that Hitler meant exactly what he said, that he wanted all Jews dead.  This will be their shame as well, because history has shown that Hamas and a lot of other hard-line muslims mean it, even condemning Hitler for not going far enough.

One of the disgusting things?  A lot of Jews in the US have been talking about their shock at the threats, the attacks on them for being Jews, and "I have to reevaluate how I vote", but you know damn well a lot of them will still vote for the left.  Even after so much of the left has told them "I want you dead."

I do wonder how much of the left doesn't believe "Palestine free from the river to the sea" means exactly what it says, even with it being insisted on by the garbage they've allied themselves to, or pretends not to.  And would be- or do a damn good job of pretending- how shocked they are if it's carried out.  And they'll still play "But they deserved at least some of this because Intersectionality proves the brown people(no, all the Jews who look just like the Palesimians don't count) are the real victims!"

I truly despair because these idiots are helping the ones- including those in universities and that have been allowed to walk across our border- they make excuses for get ready for a truly awful act, or set of acts, that will leave lots of bodies, and lots of crippled and wounded, in our country.  And now throw in the communists like antifa who may not believe a word of it, but would welcome it, and assist it, because it would damage the US.

I've thrown in the "I do wonder" because history, including recent, shows just how badly people can delude themselves about what's right in front of them.  Especially young idiots being cheered on by adult assholes giving them approval for it.

Now I have to throw in the evil politicians(and I do not use the word lightly) who will pretend horror when it happens- I think it is 'when', not 'if'- at the same time they're trying to use it for their own ends.  Like Biden and Newsome and a bunch of others who'd happily dance in the blood while they try to use that to justify emergency measures to censor, and ban guns.

Yeah, I'm disgusted and sick about this.  And not feeling cheerful about the near future.


  1. We are deep into the "Crazy Years" that Heinlein wrote about decades ago. Society has gone insane. And the cure will be very very ugly.

  2. Anonymous10:34 PM

    “A lot of Jews in the US have been talking about their shock at the threats, the attacks on them for being Jews, and "I have to reevaluate how I vote", but you know damn well a lot of them will still vote for the left.”

    And that folks is the truth and the mystery of what? The last 6 decades in our country?
    How a Jewish person could vote for lefty democraps by a LARGE majority while being vilified by those same politicians is just mind blowing.
    My timeframe may be off but we can see with our own eyes why modern voting has become such a goat rope.
    Just how ignorant do you have to be to vote for a party that hates you?

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      Sucks to be considered White after so many decades undercutting everything White in the country, eh?

  3. Anonymous5:39 AM

    if hitler had oil and/or money the elites would have given him a pass on the holocaust. thats how &&^%#$% evil and venal they really are.

  4. and either the leftists hate Jews just as much as Hamas & Co or, like all the idiots before WWII opened, did not- or would not- believe that Hitler meant exactly what he said,

    I would bet on the former for the Arab leftists, but for the secular leftists, I think it is less a lack of belief than a callous lack of concern. It's not that they hate Jews, they just don't care at all, not one mote. Every human life is worthless to them except their own.

    Yeah, I'm disgusted and sick about this.

    I'm past that and am into apathy and complete dismissal. There are no clean hands in this. Hamas is openly genocidal and seek to destroy every Jew. Israel is covertly genocidal and seeks to destroy every Muslim and Christian in Gaza.

    Both sides have decided that the only outcome is the complete destruction of the Other. One side shouts it to the skies, and the other side murmurs it from the side of its mouth. I don't support either, and it dismays me that so many people seem eager to reward being sneaky about it -- like the Nazis were.

  5. EODCROW6:51 PM

    Just my two cents, the Israelis, the citizens, did not ask for this. The Jews here in America not only asked for it, but voted for it year after year and pushed it in academia. They deserve all the hate their fellow leftist foist upon them.
