Saturday, November 11, 2023

Yeah, AP gives aid and comfort to the enemy

At this point, after other crap they've done, why would I be surprised?
In our 2018 article, we documented AP’s failure to disclose his association with the Hamas terrorist organization, even as the news service cited him as supposed independent verification of a dubious Hamas claim that Israel was responsible for the death of four-year-old Ahmed Abu Abed, reportedly fatally injured at a Gaza border clash. CAMERA’s Tamar Sternthal warned at the time, “When media outlets fail to disclose information about their sources, news consumers have valid concerns about the credibility of journalists presented as eyewitnesses.”

Sternthal’s warning was prescient, as Mr. Eslayeh was again used as a source by Western news companies during the October 7 Massacre. Below, we translate what he had to say on that terrible day. What you will find in his X/Twitter posts is not journalism but a celebration of carnage.

Which makes you wonder what else they used from this asshole, how much 'news' he contaminated.

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