Friday, November 10, 2023

When some .gov operative says "Tell me something other than part of the Constitution that allows you

to question what I do!", they're saying that they've flushed their oath to uphold said document, and their word isn't worth shit.
They’ll describe concerns about the First Amendment as conspiracy theories, but then we learn about people like Stanford’s Renée DiResta making notes about “very real 1st amendment questions” in a presentation about the EIP, or a lawyer for former CISA director Chris Krebs snapping at congressional investigators to cite a legal authority “other than the First Amendment” to justify questioning. “Researchers” will declare unequivocally that CISA did not “found, fund, or control” their program, but then it will come out the superficially private structure of the EIP was necessary because “DHS cannot openly endorse the portal,” while a “behind-the-scenes” arrangement was fine. And so on.

Bastards.  Lying  control-freak bastards.  And far too much of our Professional Media are helping them along, because they apparently don't care much about that 1st Amendment that protects their right to talk and write.


  1. Anonymous5:41 AM

    the media is their echo chamber. if they dont follow the government approved narrative, they license to broadcast may be in jeopardy. the biggest issue is the courts standing by silently while these cretins destroy the bill of rights. and the congress going along

  2. You said it all with "our Professional Media are helping them along".

  3. If I got arrested and at the arraignment told the judge to tell me anything that would have made arresting me allowable other than the law,I'm pretty sure that, just after the pause as the idiocy of what I said sunk in,the laughter would be awesome.

    The constitution IS the law,,

  4. We are past the point where any of this can be fixed peacefully. The criminals in power refuse to obey the law, refuse to even acknowledge the supremacy of the Constitution and refuse to do anything but push their own selfish agendas. We are now at the point politically were the only viable solutions involve rope and lamp massive quantities.

  5. Well, Dan,if you're looking for an argument, you probably won't get it from the people who read this.
    While the bilderbergers operate uncontested, the world will burn.
    When the hemp rope manufacturers see their stock prices go up and sales through the roof as bodies writhe, America will heal.
    Swat team in
