Tuesday, November 28, 2023

We're back to a case of "People who should be in jail", Wuhan edition

The former Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the US Department of Health, Dr Robert Kadlec, has told Sky News he feels obligated to reveal confidential discussions he had with Dr Fauci, America’s top infectious diseases adviser, about diverting attention away from the lab leak theory.

In his first television interview, to air on Sky News on Tuesday night, he also warns of another pandemic emerging from high-risk experiments in laboratories globally, saying the lessons from Covid-19 haven’t been learnt.
Dr Kadlec felt that Fauci had other reasons for wanting to divert attention away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He said Fauci was likely worried about his reputation if it eventuated that his agency had funded the gain-of-function research that sparked the outbreak.

“That would be a natural reaction of him or anybody, particularly I think, for him saying, what could this do to me and to our institute as a consequence if we were found to have some culpability or some involvement in this?”

United States agencies, including Dr Fauci’s, were funding research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology via a not-for-profit organisation, EcoHealth Alliance.

And, with the willing aid of our Professional Journalists and a lot of social media, painted the inconvenient facts as conspiracy theory.  Destroyed businesses, destroyed jobs, and lots of researchers, doctors, and scientists has their careers damaged or destroyed for asking questions and speaking inconvenient truths.

Jail.  A lot of people.  For a long time.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Crimes against humanity. Only one appropriate punishment.

    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Yep, but I think there’s 2.
      1 involves a rope, 2 involves a solid backstop.

  2. People like this shouldn't go to jail, unless that jail happens to be populated with hungry bears.
