Thursday, November 16, 2023

We are back to "The EffingBI is effing useless for anything except political hit jobs anymore

The gunman who killed Texas SWAT Officer Jorge Pastore in a shootout that also left two hostages dead was wearing body armor and night vision goggles — and was on the FBI’s terror watchlist, according to reports.

A search warrant for the suspect’s south Austin home — the scene of Saturday’s deadly shootout — unearthed bomb-making materials inside, calling for help from the FBI’s Evidence Recovery Team
(possibly to let them hide evidence?), according to KXAN.

And, just to round out the picture,
Neither the suspect nor the dead hostages had been officially identified as of early Wednesday.

However, a local organization called the Round Rock Area Muslims said they were all family members of a “beloved brother” who was well-known in the local community.

This has got to be one of the most useless groups of people in law enforcement.  How many terrorists does this make they 'had on their radar', something with actual knowledge they were about to do something, and the assholes sat back and did nothing?  Except maybe watch it happen?


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    “not uncommon for people with a gun, body armor or night vision to make homemade explosives.”

    Um I have all those and don't make explosives, however do you know who does makes homemade explosives, islamist terrorists!

  2. It's a long trip to circumvent Austin. It's worth the time.

  3. Peaowed2:47 AM

    That's why it's a "watch" list and not an "action" list.
