Monday, November 13, 2023

The crime situation in DC(and a bunch of other leftist-run cities) respects no-one,

especially when they can't shoot.
Three people broke into the unmarked parked Secret Service vehicle while the agents were protecting Naomi Biden during a trip to Georgetown, according to The AP. One agent opened fire on the individuals though no one was hit by the gunfire.

Also, someone asked today, "How come a Biden grandkid has the Secret Service protecting them, but a Presidential candidate does not?"
Because said candidate is giving Biden and the Dem Party trouble, that's why.  And they don't care if we know.


  1. Apparently, the Secret Service needs a lot more range-time practice. That's downright embarrassing.

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Said Presidental candidate is smart enough not to have corrupt Secret Service that likely want to assassinate him.

  3. One would ask, if it was just a break-in, then why the gunfire?

    No reason for deadly force, at least not in any Use-of-force rules I know of. (Unless they aren't telling us something)

  4. Probably "They're breaking into OUR CAR! AAAAAAAAAAGH!' bang.
