Thursday, November 09, 2023

That bit the other day about various news clowns being basically embedded with Hamas?

Seems confirmed.
The Israeli government is demanding answers from western media outlets including CNN, Reuters and The Associated Press over troubling images of freelance photographers they each hired which suggest they may have been embedded with Hamas on October 7th.

The issue - first highlighted by Honest Reporting - concerns four freelance photographers from Gaza whose works have been published by the media outlets.

Among them is Hassan Eslaiah, a photographer who has now been seen in an image with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

All three outlets deny having any prior knowledge of the Hamas attack and insist they have cut ties with the reporters.

But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other cabinet ministers are demanding more information.

I would damn well hope so.

Which brings up the question, how much of the stuff these bastards previously fed to their news organizations was/is tainted, or flat bullshit?


  1. I have to say, when I first saw this, I was pissed off. I hope that CNN and the rest, if it is confirmed that they did know in advance that the invasion was happening, or even that some major event in Israel was planned, have their ass handed to them. It also could rise to the level of criminal charges, although all of this will prove to be hard to prove, since the media and the leftwing government investigators, i.e. the DOJ, are one and the same slime pit of garbage.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Given that the crimes were against Israel, who cares what Biden's KGB does. The media outlets should be prosecuted in Israel (and their reported banned from the country).

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Yeah pigpen, I bet the reporters aren’t too scared of DOJ. They are on the same side after all.
    Mossad on the other hand may very well question them in a place that makes the Black Hole of Calcutta sound like fun.
    “I’d like Reporters Disappearing for 400 Alex.”

  3. It may be that some of these journalists have signed their own death warrants. Their fore knowledge and participation in the 10/7 raids, may have them deemed terrorists in the eyes of the Israeli gov't. And the Israeli gov't has sworn to kill every terrorist involved in the 10/7 raid.
