Sunday, November 26, 2023

Someone called this a slow-motion Kristallnacht, and I can't disagree (addition)

As his remarks raced across the internet, his condemnation of Hamas was often excised, leaving only his “hope” for “all” to be killed. Captions and comments online framed his demand for “every one” to be killed in myriad, at times deceptive, ways. One Instagram post shared to millions of users claimed falsely that Strauss told the students, “[I] hope you get killed....”
Gee, a bunch of national socialists lied about what he said.  Anyone surprised?
And the university, being run by craven leftests, threw the professor off campus.

A kosher restaurant in New York was vandalized, when a pro-Hamas mob smashed its windows, the latest in an ongoing string of anti-Israel, antisemitic attacks, vandalism, and clashes in cities around the U.S. and the world, college campuses, and even high schools.

Understand where we are.

These kids are only a few years away from being adults in the real-world.

They are hunting Jews for sport and are not being punished for it.

They are being rewarded with clicks and likes and monetization.

They will lead a second Holocaust in the US.

And the left is either too chickenshit to call their fellow travelers out on it, or are encouraging it.

And there are a lot more examples.

If I were Jewish, and didn't already have them, there'd be a suitable firearm, spare magazines, and lots of ammo on the shopping list.  Because in a lot of blue cities those are the only protection you'll have.

Added: Ran across this in comments at a site, on the question of 
We'd talk about everything, and one day I asked why the Jews in Germany didn't get out while there was still time.

He told me that, unlike Russia and Poland, where pogroms had happened for centuries, unlike France, where anti-Semitism was institutionalized, Germany was an oasis for Jews in Europe, and nobody could believe that this Nazi thing would last very long.

I have a feeling a lot of urban and suburban Jews in America have a similar belief, and therefore neither get out nor change their political stripes. He who refuses to learn from history...


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    "They are hunting Jews for sport and not being punished for it. Well now, how about the Polar Bear Hunting which has been going on for several years? The Black Auxiliaries of the (((Chosen))) have been busy with white genocide for some time. Try looking up "Bump Day". How about "Block Busting"? I witnessed both growing up in SoCal.
    My mom went back to work so my brother and I could attend Catholic School, as LAUSD was taken over by the (((Chosen))) who right away banned traditional Christmas pageants and any reference to prayer or Christianity. What I see now is those who support the subjugation and exploitation of the Goyim are in mortal combat with those who want to kill me because I am an Infidel. Never interrupt your enemies when they are busy killing one another - H/T to Sun Tzu.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      FYI you’re exactly the kind of scum he’s talking about.

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Slow motion now. And speeding up rapidly. It is noteworthy that our so-called opposition party has expressed no will to oppose.

    My father was not born a US citizen, but rather a Chinese national. He earned his US citizenship in WW-II leading an infantry squad across Germany. He never mentioned it or spoke of it; but in researching his life for a family history I discovered that he and his company liberated the last concentration camp held by the Nazi's [Gunzkirchen sub-camp of Matthausen].

    I am an old man. I have children and grandchildren. I have often tried to live my life in such a way as to be worthy of him. I fear that here in the US, TWANLOC will force us to reprise my father's deeds.

    Be Thou then Truly resolved . . .

    Subotai Bahadur

  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

    All of my life, I've supported Israel and had a special reverence for Judaism.

    My uncle was Jewish. My best friend growing up was Jewish. My first two bosses were a Jewish couple.

    My uncle and the friend growing up were fervent supporters of socialism. Both would have jumped on the BLM band wagon - - which has turned out to be pro Hamas.

    I'm left wondering these days why we support people who actively want to commit suicide? Worse, they want to change this nation into a cesspit of human misery.

    Serious question. Why continue supporting them?

  4. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Jews have advocated for the very policies that put so many third world Islamic nutters in our nation. They advocated for the liberal law policies that turned our streets into war zones.

    Frankly, I don't care if the Jews get hunted in the streets. The Biden Regime is staffed 3/4 with Jews and look what it's doing to the nation.

    Nope... I think this is one of those chicken roosting things.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      3/4 Jewish , huh? I've thought, based on watching the machinations in D.C., that most are Rom Cath.

  5. Winston Cranston5:35 AM

    As Ayn Rand said, "the smallest minority on earth is the individual."

    And, much repeated of late, "you are your own first responder" has never been more true; America has changed - never before has the uniqueness of America's support of individualism produced such fragmentation, nor supported such violence against it.

    Jews, throughout history, have been the easy target; generally, small in number, clannish (though no more so than blacks and some Christian sects), versed in complex standards based on religion, they've been outsiders, often unsupported, and frequently condemned, by society.

    Whether one is a Jew, a Mormon, a Catholic, a Seventh Day Adventist, or a disciple of Linus' Great Pumpkin, one has a personal responsibility to stand up for oneself and one's beliefs, a position solidly supported by the founders of this great country and solidly confirmed by the language of our Constitution, the foundational document of our country and society.

    "... there'd be a suitable firearm, spare magazines, and lots of ammo on the shopping list."

    I would recommend, first, an increased level of awareness, second, firearms in the plural, wth magazines and ammunition in quantity, accompanied by developed and honed skill in their use, and a firm committment to employ them effectively should the dire need to do so arise.

    Only the ability to effectively and with certainty withstand physical assault and harm will drive the irrational into rationality. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" works for individuals as it does for countries.

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Because in a lot of blue cities those are the only protection you'll have.

    Defense is not the answer. Offense is.

    And it is long, long past time.

  7. There's a reason that all through Judaism there is the legend of the Golem. Some rabbi, somewhere, will decide that he has some sort of enemies to his community, and will create a golem, a monster to work as a slave for him and solve his problems. And then the golem will be sent after his enemies.

    And eventually, the golem will turn on him. It always does.

    Political Judaism (as opposed to "Jews") has been importing Africans and Muslims in as much quantity as they could, because they thought white people were a threat to them. They wanted cheap, compliant labor that they could also turn against white people. They created another golem.

    And once again, the golem has turned on them.

    God is judging his people again. Given what happened to the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Romans, Germany, etc, I'm going to stay out of the way of His Judgment. I won't join in, but I also won't join in.

  8. Ref blue cities and blue(controlled) states, remember how Gov. Howler treated Jews during the Wuhan panic? A lot should have realized then just how they sat in the pecking order

  9. Not the first time I've been called scum for being Christian.

    Enjoy your rewards in this world, I'm waiting for the next.

  10. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Many German Jews did leave Germany (maybe 2/3's?) but were trapped in neighboring countries when world war 2 started.

  11. Not to mention the shipload that that bastard Roosevelt ordered not be allowed to land here.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      There was a pretty strong anti immigration sentiment in general after World War I that continued until after World War II.
