Sunday, November 26, 2023

Once again, "Ma Nature just might kill a whole lot of us."

Four gargantuan undersea sediment deposits – or 'megabeds' – discovered in the western Marsili Basin near Italy show evidence of a series of supereruptions stretching back some 50,000 years, suggesting another one could be on the way.
Any of these various volcanoes deciding to wake up in a serious way would be a real problem.  The undersea one, maybe especially:
While the Marsili Seamount is largely submerged under the Mediterranean, a modern day eruption would mean significant dangers from tsunamis and a number of ecological knock-on effects. The more prepared we are for it, the better.
Think of tsunami bouncing back and forth in the Mediterranean, that would be Bad.


  1. Modern people might blow off Mother Nature with all the talk of man made climate change & such but Mother Nature is still the big dog!

  2. Kinda leads credence to Noah and the flood. In that event the earth split and water gushed forth.

  3. Anonymous10:26 PM

    On the upside, muds crossing the Med would cease for awhile.
