Thursday, November 09, 2023

Let's see, a bunch of nazis want to screw with what amounts to a holy day and place,

and, according to the Brit media, anyone who has a problem with that, and might interfere, is
Gangs of football hooligans are planning to 'team up' and 'protect' the Cenotaph from pro-Palestine protestors this weekend, with police on high-alert for trouble.

Officers fear more than a thousand, including far-Right thugs, will descent on London, where a rally against Israeli attacks on Gaza is set to take place.

A: Of course, they are, and
B: The Brit cops have shown themselves, once again, to be either scared of being called names or on orders to screw with anyone who gets in the way of the actual problem.  Like the ones a couple of days ago telling some Jews that they had to take down their flags because 'they might upset the Palestinian protesters'.  So who trusts them to stop the mass-murder supporters?

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