Friday, November 03, 2023

Hmm. A bunch of the left have spent years getting people fired,

thrown out of school, teachers and professors fired, and getting lecturers disinvited because 'microaggressions' and wrong think.  That being defined as 'makes someone feel threatened/unwelcome/something.

Lately this has included harassing and attacking Jewish students at school and in the streets, and their homes vandalized.

Now a bunch of the same people are catching hell, including trouble at work, for their words, actions, and social media stuff that-surprise!- a lot of people see is both hateful and giving aid & comfort to the enemy.  And they cry that it's not fair.  Only one thing to say:

1 comment:

  1. Uh, oh. Let me guess, they don't "feel safe". Get used to it bitches!
