Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Hamas wants the ceasefire extended for two reasons:

First, they want time to try to smuggle some of their people out of Gaza and smuggle weapons in.

Second, they don't want to admit how many more murders like this until they are forced to.
Hamas on Wednesday claimed that an Israeli mother, Shira Bibas, and her two children, a four-year-old and a 10-month-old baby, were ‘killed’ after they were handed over to another terrorist group in Gaza. The IDF is checking the validity of the claim.


  1. I've never thought, "those guys have quite the command and control" when looking at Hamas. I'm surprise that the alleged excuse wasn't more of a Guy Richie style hijinks story instead of just "not me."

    Of course, Israel will still agree to the ceasefire extension, because Hamas is dragging them into hideous ambush after ambush, bombing the rubble isn't working, and as long as everyone is looking at the ceasefire countdown, they don't have to admit how many tanks they've lost.

    Turns out that making more caves when you are fighting savage cavemen is like throwing Brer Rabbit in the briar patch.

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Rubbish, it isn't a question of how many tanks have been lost, it is the question of did you prepare for Stalingrad or a lark like Desert Storm? If it was the latter, Israel are well and truly screwed.

  3. Israel didn't prepare for either. Like us, they've been doing police actions for 50 years. They were intending to go in and do a punitive raid, not a siege. Hamas is buckled down for a war of attrition that they have been preparing for over the last 15 years, and Israel thinks it's another "go smash some Gazan homes and be back for Hanukah" operation.
