Saturday, November 25, 2023

A few borrowed images

And I posted this one on Fecesbook, and it was almost immediately yanked because 'supported violent groups'

Added: turns out Fecesbook doesn't like the MeToo one, either, because 'sexual content'.

Fecesbook is run by effing idiots.


  1. Amen to that, are we sure the fecebook guy is human?

  2. Beats me. On Sept 11 I posted one of the photos of someone falling from one of the Towers, and the assholes yanked it because of 'nudity or sexual content'.

    I tend to think it takes an asshole human to come up with that excuse.

  3. There is no shortage of assholes that's for sure.

  4. I'm not on on shit book for that reason.
    Can't figure out why anyone is on there

  5. I $hitcanned feces book years ago...
