Sunday, October 08, 2023

We can always count on the Squat to do stupid crap

like this.

Short version: "Israel caused this, there needs to be an immediate ceasefire so no more Palestinians are hurt, and how dare those Jews think they have some right to strike back!"

Well, I did say stupid crap.


  1. Yup. Looks like The Usual Suspects are running their mouths again.

    Whatever harms America the most...

  2. Anonymous11:34 PM

    I think they'll nuke Mecca this time.

  3. I doubt that, but I think Gaza is going to get a real cleaning out.

    There are enough countries around there that have been making moves to get along with Israel, I think they're likely to be feeding intelligence around. And maybe dealing with some troublemakers in their own countries.

    1. Terrytheterrible5:40 AM

      Fh I hope you are correct. For the world seems to be close to war. May God help us.
