Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Some miserable little socialist who loves them some 'decolonization' said

On Saturday, as the raping and murdering and kidnapping were happening in Israel, Najma Sharif, a writer for Soho House magazine and Teen Vogue, posted on X: “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”

So far, Sharif’s post has been liked 100,000 times and reposted nearly 23,000 times—by, among others, The Washington Post’s global opinions editor, Karen Attiah.

The point was: Don’t be squeamish. Never mind the Jewish girl being pulled by her hair with blood streaming between her legs. Never mind the women being raped beside the corpses of their friends at a music festival. Never mind the children and babies snatched from their parents.

If you can’t handle it, if you condemn it without a preamble or equivocation, you’re an apologist for the Zionist colonizers.

And we have a lot of other assholes who agree, though most of them do it in proper 'end the occupation' language and excuses.  Because dead babies and gang-raped women and murdered men aren't really important, y'see?

In that way, as Free Press editor and writer Peter Savodnik explains in his most recent column, the last few days have been extremely clarifying.

Because now we know.

Now we know who would have looked at Jews shoved onto cattle cars and said, “Well, they did undermine the German economy.” Those are the people today saying: “This is a justified response to the provocation of Israel existing.” Now we know whose politics are rooted not in conservatism or liberalism or anything else other than simply hating Jews. Now we can see exactly how people manage to always come up with a reason for why the Jews deserved it.

If you've got kids or grandkids in college, it might be a good idea to find out just what they're going into debt for, because I doubt 'Learn to hate the Jews' is an approved thing for most.
Except a lot of professors and teachers, THEY love it.


  1. Wait a few days on the "babies and children" shit. Propogandists have been pulling that one since Cromwell and the Irish in the 17th century.

  2. ersatz naugahde9:57 AM

    Totally agree here. The 1st thing to understand is that all the 'news' you see and hear is a psy-op designed to get your 'buy in' for a certain point of view. I look at it this way: We've funded both sides of that shit show (at almost 60 yrs old, I figure I'm in for about 10k worth of tax dollars) for decades. Time to turn off the spigot and let them settle it once and for all.

  3. Babies, RIPPED out of their incubators and Thrown in the floor.
    The border is secure.
    Wow, Ukraine sure dropped off the radar quick.
    Biden laptop, corruption,,
    If you're not seeing the game yet,, why not?

    Did bad stuff happen? Yeah, but if Israel, with more spies per capita than anywhere else on earth, the Egyptian government Warning them something was up,and then They got surprised? Stop being naive.

  4. Had the war gone their way, the Krauts were coming after the Catholics after the Jews.

    It's always the same. In the immortal words of Philip Henry Sheridan, "The only good one is a dead one".

  5. Let me be perfectly clear, the disgusting, islam-poisoned, crap-hole that is the muslim Mideast desperately needs the Zionist civilizing to inculcate the vastly superior culture of the west into the misery that is the Mideast.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    They will never reconcile. Take note of the comparative destruction, though. Israel has a long history of stomping on other cultures.

  7. Trumpeter2:27 PM

    I am here to offend everyone (it's a gift) but you will calm down and realize I am right.

    What Hamas did was wrong because mass murder, genocide and crimes against humanity are wrong. Those that advocate for or practice the same are evil and deserving of special condemnation.

    Now look at the videos of the rubble that Gaza has become, and the crowing over the successful murder of large numbers of innocent civilians. Tell me that is different! Tell me two wrongs make a right! Tell me that Israel is different and special and excused from the standards of civilization!

    Just as a note of practicality, more people will be killed by the lack of water than by kinetic means. That is a crime against humanity!

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Was it criminal to have dropped nukes on Japan? Your comment leads me to believe that you would think so.

  8. The civilized West is at war with both islam and communism...and have been for a long time. If we don't wake up and start fighting this war to WIN we are going to lose. And the penalty for losing is death. For us and for a civilized future.

  9. Anonymous7:12 PM

    This shit has been going on for 4000? years. The weapons may be different (sometimes) but it’s nothing new.
    Same old, same old.

  10. Trumpeter, I'm going to borrow something I wrote elsewhere:
    They've built a culture where children are taught the highest act they can commit is to die while at least trying to kill Jews, that they should love such a death more than the love life. Seen the videos of children taking part in abusing dead bodies? And some the teenage males, you want to bet against some being allowed to rape prisoners(again) to let them taste the 'prize' of taking Jews prisoner?

    You can't stop that by killing the 'soldiers' alone; that's been tried, and it gives the rest more time to raise more kids taught to hate Jews. Over and bloody over.

    Maybe some of the Gazans got out when the Israelis told them to. Most did not(some probably because their .gov would not LET them leave, "We need your dead bodies to show our friends in the media more than we need you, this is your contribution to the Cause!"). And trying to clear out the actual innocents from the bulk of the guilty would be suicidal.

    So it's going to be a bloody mess, and the usual suspects will scream about the 'poor Palestinian innocents', with not one damn word about the Israelis murdered, tortured, raped, and their bodies defiled except those needed to pretend they give a damn about a bunch of dead Jews. But if it's done right, and hard enough, it may actually help end this shit.

  11. Maybe some of the Gazans got out when the Israelis told them to. Most did not(some probably because their .gov would not LET them leave,
    To be clear, NEITHER government will let them leave. The Israelis began bombing the Egyptian border crossings immediately after issuing their order, and have been threatening to bomb any aid trucks that the Egyptians send into Gaza. (I say threaten because Egypt took it seriously and isn't sending aid trucks, not that it isn't credible.)
