Saturday, October 07, 2023

My last political thing for today: this was the first official USG comment on the massive Hamas attack

on Israel.  Until they apparently realized how bleeping stupid it is and deleted it:
How stupid are these people, and how much do they hate Israel?  This much.

Added: The Palistinians are kidnapping and murdering(and God knows what else) women in particular.

They've identified this woman, she was a German citizen visiting for the peace festival.
I wonder if the Germans will bother to do anything other than send a letter of protest?

Let's not forget all the money Biden & Co. have given to the Iranians and Hamas, which certainly helped pay for this horror show.


  1. Is putting America and America First "hating Jews"? Nothing in Israel is any business of the US Government or responsibility of the American taxpayer. Just like nothing in Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland,Iran, Iraq, or Italy is any business of the US government or responsibility of the American taxpayer. Put America and Americans First, let Israel sleep in the bed it has spent years making. Our responsibility ends at our borders.

  2. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Every Israeli knows, the Old Testament IS an instruction manual. Time to use it.

  3. Israel is our best ally in that part of the world, and it's paid off in the past. They're an outnumbered people who've still survived. I don't pretend they're angels without flaw, I do side with them over the Gaza/Hamas/Iran bastards.

    Telling a people under this kind of attack, as your first response, "Please don't to anything violent" is either effing stupid of the first water, or you side with the Palistinians and don't mind what they're doing. I don't think that's 'America first'.

    The left makes a big deal of being compassionate and caring for all, but them make big carveouts of who they actually care about, and they seem to really have a hate on for Jews(just as much as they hate anyone on the political right who won't bow down), and that truly pisses me off.

    I wish we could ignore the rest of the world, but we can't.

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    It's one of those generic "Why can't we all Get Along" statements made by a bureaucrat before it was given 'talking points' by the relevant 'authorities'.
    My take on this is, given the amount of Hatred on Both Sides, the U.S. getting Involved raises a Great Danger that we get involved in a War with multiple parties that are Capable of doing Serious Damage to the Military and the Country.
    The positioning of Aircraft Carriers nearby is just Asking for one side or the other to Attack them in order to widen the Conflict.
    And if You Don't Think the jews would Attack a U.S. Warship with the Intention of drawing us into their War, you need to read up on the USN Reconnaissance Ship "Liberty" which was Attacked and nearly Sunk by israeli Fighter Jets, marked (false-flagged) as Egyptian Air Force Planes.
