Wednesday, October 04, 2023

I have decided what the McCarthy mess in the House reminds me of.

Know those politicians you've found you can't trust, and part of their attitude is "Who else you gonna vote for?  A Democrat?", and you can hear the smirk in their voice?

A lot of the "THEY MAY HAVE MESSED-UP CONTROL OF THE HOUSE!  They should have waited until we had a larger margin, and then talked about this!" sounds just like that.

Remember when the Stupid Party said "We can't do anything until we have at least one house of Congress!" 
Then, when the House was won, "We still can't do much of anything until we have the Senate or the White House!"  
The Senate was taken.  "There's a Democrat in the White House, so we still can't do much."
Then  they had the House, Senate, and the White House, and they still couldn't do anything.  Because that awful man in the White House 'just isn't one of us, and doesn't do things properly."  Etc.  

Sound familiar?

Yes, this will undoubtedly make things difficult. As if they weren't already with so many of said Stupid Party seeming more concerned with Acting Properly And Soberly And Making Suitable Deals With The Other Side.  So McCarthy getting thrown out of the office doesn't much bother me.  Especially after the deal he make with the Left despite having promised he wouldn't, and then shoving it through fast.  And it's funny as hell that he acted shocked the same people he made the deal with helped throw him out.  The line I like is "Democrats wisely go by the Benedict Arnold Rule: never trust a turncoat."

Nobody should.


  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Spot On.

  2. ColdSoldier6:23 PM

    Very well stated. Can’t add anything. When you described the bullshit they pulled with obamacare says all you need to know. I changed party affiliation to independent after that traitorous action.

  3. McCarthy needs to be replaced, and if the guy replacing pulls this shit replace him too.

  4. The 10 that voted against him learned what the rest of us learned long aga! Never trust a politician.

  5. These RINOs nowadays are living in the 70-80's; when politics was a gentleman's sport. Screw that thinking. Thats why we are in the mess we are in.
    I want mud, blood, guts and gore!!!!!
