Friday, September 15, 2023

They lie about their 'gender-affirming care' program,

and the people who told the truth are called names and threatened for it.  The usual.
Seven months after former pediatric gender clinician Jamie Reed blew the whistle on unquestioning “affirming” care at Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, the New York Times has confirmed core elements of her story.

Speaking with patients, employees, local health-care providers, and parents, the Times investigation corroborated many of Reed’s central allegations, most notably that a substantial number of adolescent patients were prescribed testosterone treatments before their underlying mental-health issues were addressed. Moreover, the St. Louis clinic exhibited a categoric lack of record-keeping and patient tracking.

As “demand rose, more patients arrived with complex mental health issues. The clinic’s staff often grappled with how best to help, documents show, bringing into sharp relief a tension in the field over whether some children’s gender distress is the root cause of their mental health problems, or possibly a transient consequence of them,” the Times noted.

'Transient consequence' being the fancy way of saying "An awful lot of these kids have mental health problems that probably helped lead to them declaring themselves trans, but they didn't get treatment for them.  Just thrown into "Let's start changing your gender!"

Can you say 'medical malpractice'?  I knew you could.

There are a lot of people involved in this abuse who need to face real consequences for the damage they've done.

1 comment:

  1. One justification the people pushing this give is that the gender-confused teens may kill themselves. But they never consider how often trans adults kill themselves, when they realize they have been sterilized, their original sex organs were destroyed, the doctor-built replacements work poorly for pleasure and not at all for reproduction, this condition is _permanent_, and maybe they transitioned to the wrong gender.

    Fifty years ago, only adults could take gender-transitions deeper than cross-dressing, make-up, and a haircut or wig - because quite aside from the ethics of doing a drastic permanent _elective_ procedure on someone too young to legally consent, ethical doctors required so many years of counselling and trying out the new identity before doing anything permanent, that the person would reach adulthood before the permanent changes were approved. But now, a kid too young to legally consent to sex may get hormone treatments with permanent effects, or maybe even surgery, almost on a whim - and it's difficult to tell whether it was the kid's whim or a school counselor's.

    By now, I want the law to _make_ those recommending and performing such transitions think about the possible downsides, by providing a heavy penalty for them when someone kills him/her/itself after a gender transition. Execution might be going too far, but what else would be as effective?
