Saturday, September 30, 2023

Speaking of control freaks and Stalin wannabes,

The World Economic Forum, the EU, and their asshat enablers in this country.
No. Both the EU and the Dutch government agree that cow burps are deemed the biggest driver of climate change.

And after the 2019 ruling, things escalated quickly.

Last year, the Dutch government decided that 30% of all livestock needs to be cut by 2030 in order to meet the climate goals.

And then the government decided that would mean at least 3000 farms needed to be shut down in the next few years.

If farmers refuse to sell their land to the state ‘’voluntarily’’ to the state now, they run the risk of being expropriated later.

And our own John Effing Kerry, the "Of course I fly on private planes, I am Important, peasant, stop bothering me about it" king, has been talking about doing it here, too.

Nobody who’s acting in good faith would come after one of the most hard working, respectable and lucrative sectors of our society.

Especially not when that sector puts food on our plates. Especially not in a time when we’re already dealing with food shortages all over the world.

So the question remains, why are they doing this?

The answer is: the attack on farming is part of a bigger agenda of total control and we in The Netherlands are simply the pilot country. We are the tester case.

The reality of the matter is that the Dutch state is committing a land grab. And the climate/netzero is being used as a pretext.

Yeah.  The question is how much starvation and death will they cause before it's stopped?

1 comment:

  1. It's not just about control. It's about STARVING to death BILLIONS of people.
    The most radical leftists want to cut our population by about 90%. Not an
    easy thing to do. Going after people one by one is time consuming and you risk
    getting shot. But getting rid of the food and allowing most people to starve
    is easy...and safer for the parasites in power.
