Monday, September 18, 2023

It's both cute and depressing that idiots are still playing "Maybe we can prevent a recession",

when we've been in the damn thing for, oh, close to two years?

Oh, and not having enough energy is a product of idiots screwing our ability to make it.  Same idiots who put us in this recession.

My, isn't this interesting?

The flag shown includes the black stripe for pedophiles('minor-attracted persons').  Hey, remember what helped get the Taliban support in its early days?  "We're going to end this thing of warlords using children for sex toys."  But the 'progressives' thought all that was in the muslim past as long as said 'progressives' aided them.
As someone put it, "Is that how they think this works? Hey we paid you lip service, now please abandon your social and religious beliefs for us."

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