Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Damn Biden and every bastard helping him do this

In an exclusive investigation, Front Page Magazine reported that when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, 9/11 families became able to collect damages from the country’s bank reserves that were located in New York. Biden’s decision to enable the Taliban takeover had made it possible for victims to actually collect on a previous judgment against the Taliban.

Biden, reacting with all the ruthless speed that had been completely absent when Americans were trapped behind enemy lines in Kabul, rushed to freeze the money so the families couldn’t collect, apportioned half for “humanitarian aid” to the Afghans (over and above the $800 million he had already provided to the terror zone) and fought 9/11 families in court for the rest.
That a presidential administration seized $3.5 billion from 9/11 families, moved it to Switzerland (in the tradition of Nazi war criminals) and set it up as a Swiss nonprofit not subject to American laws ought to have been one of the biggest stories, instead it’s been relentlessly buried. The fund’s board members include only one U.S. official, making the United States a minority, and the board only met three times as of earlier this year raising issues about what the fund is doing.

While the Biden administration claims that it’s only offering humanitarian aid, its definition of humanitarian aid included printing money for the Taliban through Poland and France. Why Poland and France? Much like Switzerland, Biden is operating in foreign countries to avoid congressional and judicial oversight for what are likely violations of United States law.

I'd bet that mention of this by most of our 'news' organizations has been little to zero; talking about it would hurt the Democrats in charge of it, after all.  Which makes them part of the damned enemy as well.

And more on aiding the enemy:
Where is the money coming from? Biden’s cash has been dispensed so secretively that the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s office (SIGAR) revealed last year that the State Department and Samantha Power’s fiefdom at USAID were so relentlessly stonewalling the watchdog that “department staff have received internal direction to not engage with or speak to SIGAR without prior clearance from State legal counsel”.

This year, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko told Congress that “I cannot assure this committee or the American taxpayer we are not currently funding the Taliban.” He warned that the word is that the “Taliban are already diverting funds.” A SIGAR report in July 2023 revealed that the Biden administration has “appropriated more than $2.35 billion in FY 2022 and FY 2023 funding for Afghanistan reconstruction programming since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.” Instead of cutting funds, “contributions to UN OCHA reported organizations of more than $4.45 billion from January 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, are at levels that were not seen prior to the Taliban takeover… and were led by the United States.”


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    bring back the old punishments for treason. this guy is a true piece of shit.

    - Chi

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Biden and his entire following need to be jailed for treason for their effort to destroy
    this country and supporting countries as in
    the billions of “our” monies given to Iran and others that profess hatred for America!
