Friday, September 22, 2023

Another civil rights victory over the Fascist Leaders of Californicated

...Because millions of removable firearm magazines able to hold between 10 and 30 rounds are commonly owned by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, including self-defense, and because they are reasonably related to service in the militia, the magazines are presumptively within the protection of the Second Amendment. There is no American history or tradition of regulating firearms based on the number of rounds they can shoot, or of regulating the amount of ammunition that can be kept and carried. The best analogue that can be drawn from historical gun laws are the early militia equipment regulations that required all able-bodied citizens to equip themselves with a gun and a minimum amount of ammunition in excess of 10 rounds.
Take due note of that 'MINIMUM'.
Oh yeah.

Link to the decision here.


  1. Thanks for the link to the .pdf

  2. But it's not going to take effect for 10 days, pending appeal.

    Which you know California is going to do, followed by an en banc panel. It may make its way to SCOTUS but it will be a while.

  3. who uses 10 round magazines? go belt fed. thats the best way
