Sunday, August 20, 2023

It's gone beyond stupid to sickening

Joe Biden's transgender health secretary has praised an Alaska gender-affirming care clinic which wants the word 'mother' replaced with the phrase 'egg producer.'
...The Alaska-based company she visited promotes ideas that children should learn that doctors 'assign' gender to babies by making a 'guess' - while also promoting the use of 'gender-inclusive biology.'

I have to go with Ms. Kelly:


  1. It's not and never was stupid. It's a belief system that is in direct conflict with reality. It's not stupid, it's the very definition of Insanity. And I'm really sick of it.

  2. How soon can we get the chickens to come home to roost?

    If we're going to have neologisms for each function people formerly known as men and people formerly known as women do, when do we decide that we really need a single catchall word for "Birthing Parent", "Chest feeder", Egg Producer", "Kind of Puny Athletic Person", "Nurturing Parent" and "Home-maker/Keeper of the Hearth"?
    I know of a single six-letter word that covered all these functions and has been used for Millenia, but since it is not a neologism, it is currently disfavored.

    And the Chickens snark was not mere snark. Wasn't it Aristotle who said a man was a hairless biped with no feathers? Henry David Thoreau, in his self-published book, "On Walden Pond", mentioned a conversation with a day laborer who immediately noted that Aristotle's definition also included a plucked chicken.


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