Thursday, August 17, 2023

From the Dark & Fascist State of NJ,

"On top of the fees and so forth, we'll make the qualification something that has not much to do with self-defense shooting and prevents as many people as possible from qualifying."

Yeah, sounds like the bastards.


  1. Probably spooked by the 9mm's massive recoil.


    Fuck you General.

    And fuck Joe Biden.

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Its just more of gov setting mandates which are very difficult, if possible at all, to acheive.

    Like fedgov setting 58 mpg for all vehicles by year 2030.

    Or CA requiring microstamping on cartridges, requiring a technology that doesn't exist.

    Socialists are vermin, incessantly sniffing for ways around the law.


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