Sunday, August 27, 2023

Apparently these idiots have been following the Brit Crown Prosecutor rules

In court, Milica was fined €82 for ‘exceeding the necessity of self-defence’ and for ‘violating public order and peace’, which made her feel ‘very uncomfortable’.

Meanwhile, her attacker had to pay only €370 before being released from prison.

What she should be is damned mad, also every other woman in the country.  And every man worth a damn, for that matter.


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    The Marquess of Queensberry Rules will be observed at all times.

    1. "The Marquess of Queensberry was a queen, and he's buried" ---Richard Marcinko

  2. If it only costs €82 for this offense, I'd make sure I got my money's worth.

  3. A she defending herself from a he exceeds the necessity of self defense and violates public order and peace. Whatever HE did however, who knows what his intentions were, someone may wind up dead because no witnesses means no fine of 370 Euros and a brief stay in Graybars.

    Nothing wrong with this situation. The Criminal has as much right to ply his trade as any honest tradesman. Gilbert and Sullivan could not have imagined this outcome when they composed "A Policeman's lot is not an 'appy one" in The Pirates of Penzance.


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