Saturday, July 22, 2023

These people are shameless

“Just yesterday in the state of Florida, they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery,” she said at a convention for the traditionally Black sorority Delta Sigma Theta Inc. “They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it.”

This is a brazen lie. It’s an astonishing lie. It’s an evil lie. It is so untrue — so deliberately and cynically misleading — that, in a sensible political culture, Harris would be obligated to issue an apology. Instead, NBC confirms that she will repeat the lie today during a speech in Jacksonville.

I have been trying to work out how best to illustrate the sheer scale of Harris’s falsehood, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way to achieve it is to list in one place all the relevant parts of the course about which she is complaining. So, below, I have copied and pasted every single reference to slavery, slaves, abolitionism, civil rights, and African Americans that is in the document. For those interested, the full curriculum (along with the curriculum for the teaching of the Holocaust) is here.

There's a specific list of much of what she's lying about.


  1. I guess the theory here is if you're going to tell an outrageous lie, you'd better hire an expert.

    The first thing she's said in six months that wasn't a word salad, and it's an outrageous fucking lie.

    I guess we know what she's good at.

  2. There's an old advertising tagline,: "Delta is ready when you are."
    There's a reason these grievance merchants are here, and it ain't because they want to right all the wrongs of this sinful, racist backwater, even as their glorious ancestral paradise beckons from afar.
    Could life in 20th Century America really be better than someplace like Niger, Cameroon, or Cote d'Ivoire?
    Spoiler: uh, yeah.
