Thursday, July 13, 2023

One of the medical instructions was "Don't lift anything heavier than ten pounds

for the next few days."

Last night I realized just how much in the house, and what I do, involves more than ten pounds.

This includes moving a box of bullets to a better place and realizing "I probably shouldn't have done that."

No new pains, no improper discharges, so I'm guessing I'm good.*

*yes, I know, famous last words


  1. I had hernia repair surgery Monday. Sigh. I am in the same boat.
    I do have a 'head nurse' who is watching my every move. I am so glad I married her. No one else would care.

  2. Move them bullet by bullet or half box by half box.

  3. Anonymous12:45 AM

    3 days!?!???
    Better to give it 2 weeks or find yourself in a worse situation - as in a redo!!

  4. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I had a kidney stint in while waiting 6 months for surgery.
    No lifting over 10lbs
    No long distance walking
    No stairs
    No sex

    Yeh broke a lot of rules.

