Monday, July 31, 2023

John Effing Kerry says it out loud

Frequent private jet passenger, John Kerry, admits that destruction of the farming industry is essential to achieving 'Net Zero':

"Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. And we can’t get to net zero—we don’t get this job done—unless agriculture is front and centre as part of the solution."

"You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system."

I truly think these people wouldn't mind running their own Holodomor.

Also, since these asshats intend to be the ones running things, perhaps a good term would be 'Royalists', since they plan to rule all others.


  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Battery powered tractors and combines will save the world. No wait, he’d rather we starve. What a moron.

  2. If you can't feed the world, there's no point in worrying if it gets warm or not. Unless your plan is to kill off billions and be part of the elite well-fed remnant.

    Their plan is to exterminate everyone they can't enslave. And they don't think they need that many slaves.

    These people need to be shot out of the sky the next time they all hop in their private jets and get together. They are world-wide terrorists.

  3. Part of the solution? was 'final' missed the last but one word.

    Some people would have been at home in central europe in the 1930's, ensuring the cattle trucks were loaded sufficiently.

  4. Anonymous1:16 AM

    This libturd is a total fart head.

  5. Won't he be surprised when his smug patrician ass is hustled into the last cattle car?

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Consider the protests of the war in Viet Nam, someone said 'baby killer', others repeated it, then the fortunate one testified before Congress that he'd seen baby killers.

    Today, someone said 'global warming', others repeated it, the 'statesman' is now against it.

    Someone said 'cows are to blame' and 'farms are killing us', now the 'statesman turned scientist' says all that is true.

    And baby, there are untold riches in all of it!

    Funny how grifters always find a way ain't it.

  7. I'm thinking that asshat Kerry and his buddy from microsoft feel that there are too many of us and would like to work to 'solve' that problem. Make's me kinda nervous. Keep your power dry. . .


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