Thursday, July 20, 2023

I would like to buy this lady dinner,

if I were in Germany or she here.

Anyone who drags a climate 'protester' out of the street by their hair is someone I would feed.


  1. I can think of a few cancer-causing solvents that should be tried on the glue they're using. MEK would remove the skin if it didn't dissolve the glue.

  2. Hm. Y'know, if the skin comes off they're not glued down anymore...

  3. Leave them glued, take their clothes. This glue tactic disappears overnight.

  4. Too bad they couldn't just leave the idiots to starve/shit/piss themselves to death on the spot. Then, remove the corpse, with the surface intact, and embed them in acrylic to serve as a centerpiece in a Museum of Stoopid.
