Wednesday, July 26, 2023

I flatly despise most of our 'news' media

They lie to us by omission or openly.  They push the .gov line that comes from leftists and Democrats, and either crap on or don't give us the other side.

Look at Biden.  The mental problems, the corruption, the lies, the control-freak 'save us from climate change' crap.  Something gets out about what they're up to, people get mad, and they tell us it's 'a right-wing conspiracy theory' for a while; then, when the clowns confirm it's real, it's 'for our own good, they're saving us!'
At the same time, anybody with a 'R' after their name points these things out, or- even worse- has a hearing pulling Unapproved Information out, and they'd better feel like Caesar just before the Ides of March except be smart enough to wear armor.  And Trump might as well be running around with a national socialist swastika on his arm(if he had a hammer and sickle, the bastards would love him), and it's endless.

Some of them make some of the most racist, bigoted statements you can imagine, and if you object you become the racist and bigot.

And then they cry that we don't believe and trust them.  

Their whole career, if they actually report, depends on the protections of the 1st Amendment, yet they crap on it because people get to hear the other side, other information, other people speaking.

Most of them are bastards not to be trusted about ANYTHING.


  1. The only media source I watch for news or have any faith in is Newsmax. I can easily distinguish between their newscast and commentary. Everyone else spews crafted propaganda. I watch my local news only for the weather, because I don't care about Dindu's offing each other every day in the shithole cities, and the rest of their broadcast is how every other adverse thing MUST BE CLIMATE CHANGE.

  2. The media is all corporate owned these days and it's job is to get you to do-believe-act-think as they want you to. They have had lot's of practice manipulating the public through advertising over the years.
    With the coming of the 24/7 social media and the power of the phone in everyone's hands the thinking process has actually changed and the social media companies are using that to continue the manipulation.

    When I saw the news telling me things I knew were not true I realized I could not trust them, when I seem them telling the same lies over and over I realized they were just a arm of the cabal running things from behind the curtain.

    We have a "new" normal these days that would not have been allowed when I was a kid... media has done that & it's still going on.

  3. The "media" is no longer the news media. They are the Propaganda organ for The American Communist Part nee Democrats/Pedocrats. They were infiltrated and suborned decades ago.

  4. As a certain "verboten" website has said for over 20 years:

    "Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required."

    There were even T-shirts and mugs available.

    Look it up, if you don't believe me. 😀

  5. I am an old guy, born in 1960. So I remember the days of 3 network news broadcasts, with none of them being on for a profit, but instead they were almost a point of pride among the networks, like to see who could do the best job of getting the news, and sadly, in a new or different manner.
    I say sadly because I actually attended Bible College for a time in the early 1980's, and saw the same thing happening with what used to be considered our conservative Bible colleges. The professors almost to a one were set on teaching their area of expertise in the Bible or speech, etc. in a manner that could force the student to not look at the Bible the same way, but to try and find some other way to see things, instead of the old fashioned way, as if that way were somehow suddenly found to be wrong.
    Many people that I know talk about the old news broadcasts with people like Walter Cronkite and how they wish that we still had the news like that, with a trustworthy man who did not put his own spin on the news, or try to lead it to his own political direction, but instead just sat there and read the news of the day. And I wish that I could get them to understand that the news broadcasters of old, with Walter Cronkite being one of the most egregious, did not just read the news, but in many ways, and on many different topics, Walter Cronkite was as bad, if not worse, than those liberal media types that we see today.
    Can anyone argue that Cronkite was not the reason that America left Vietnam at the time and in the manner that we did? Or how about the Tet Offensive, which by all accounts was a massive military victory for the United States and our allies, and yet due to the media accounts, led by Walter Cronkite, was pretty much the beginning of the end as far as the South Vietnamese having a chance to run their own nation and without the devastating genocide that took place after America pulled out, in pretty much the same disastrous way as we did from Afghanistan.
    The media is sometimes called the 4th estate. I think that term has outlived it's usefulness. The media and the Democrat party are so intertwined together, with the same goals and sources, as well as the same tactics at times, that America could be considered to just have the original 3 branches. Actually, it is doubtful that it is accurate any longer, either. With the Republicans finally getting enough justices on the Supreme Court to make them able to be the umpire that they were intended to be, and of course the liberals hating it so, America is no longer anything like a Democratic Republic, but now we look almost exactly like a 2 part government, with whomever has the bigger sword at the time being the one in power.
    I don't pretend to know what is going to happen, since I have never seen such things in our history, but if I had to place a bet, I would not feel too afraid to bet on some type of civil war, hot or cold. I am 63 years old, and hope to live maybe 2 more decades. I don't think that the America of my death will be the same as the America of today. I am not confident that it will be better. I shed tears not for myself, but for my children and my grandchildren.

  6. I've seen them. To borrow from Michaelin O'Flynn, "A fine sentiment."

    1. So, you might recognize the moniker "B.C.". 😉

      My days of destroying mind's eyes are long over, but I pop up on the Webz, occasionally.

  7. I have found that The Daily Mail is more accurate in reporting US news than any US MSM.

    Of course, for the English to find out what's going on over there they read our newsletters.

    And now the Conspiracy portion of our broadcast. Even before WWII, the USSR was busy buying into newsrooms, and it went full-hog after WWII. I wonder how much treasure that should have gone into paying their Lend-Lease debt and their grain shipment debts went into buying journalism schools and newsrooms?


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