Saturday, July 15, 2023

7th evening, and I have

put something together for you all


  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    #6…… And God created woman! Kate

  2. Pigpen5112:45 AM

    I have to say, Firehand, that the study material you so kindly post for us each weekend includes women who are not just sexy, but also very beautiful.
    I know that there will be some who will debate that there is a difference, but I believe that there is. And you always seem to find women who are beautiful and are sexy without even trying. It's like their personality shines through the camera.
    In any event, all of this is a long way of my saying thanks and have a great and safe week, from the shore of Lake Michigan, in the Democrat controlled state of Michigan. As we said in the 1980's, will the last one to leave please turn out the lights?
