Thursday, June 15, 2023

"If you defend this guy we don't like, we'll try to get you disbarred!"

Which, as Insty says, probably comes under the heading of a conspiracy to deprive someone of legal counsel, which I think is criminal.  If they're a lawyer, it's definitely unethical and ought to get THEM disbarred.

And, as usual, if they can do it to Trump they can do it to anybody else they're pissy about.


  1. they were set up to punish people who question election results. only punish those who question results where a dem won under curious circumstances. bipartisan my ass.

  2. The soulless inhuman monsters who call themselves democrats have ALREADY done this.
    Texas disbarred the lawyer who tried to stop the democrat gestapo form medically torturing his clients. Naturally, the 'patriot' governor did jack and shit to hold the Texas BAR accountable, just like he let the Peoples Democratic Republic of Austin kidnap an innocent man for daring to defend himself from a murderous terrorist.


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