Friday, June 02, 2023

Holy CRAP, that's a big fish

There are tales from medieval manuscripts saying that these things sometimes ate people.  Children, I can believe it.


  1. Sailorcurt6:54 AM

    My immediate thought was "what weight of fishing line was he using?". I'm pretty sure the 12lb test line I typically use when fishing fresh water wouldn't be up to that task.

    When I was in high school, a friend of mine had a black and white photo of his grandfather with a catfish laying atop a 6 foot hog shed with both the head and tail hanging off the ends. Obviously no official measurement, but it had to have been close to that length. The picture was from the 1920's or 30's.

    I was stationed in Millington TN back in the late '80's and they used to have a park on "Mud Island" in the Mississippi river in Memphis. In the park they had an aquarium with some examples of Mississippi river wildlife. Among that was a catfish that was probably 5 or 6 feet long. Biggest one I've ever seen in real life. No idea if the park is even still there.

    Those things can get very big. Imagine pulling up for the local fish fry with that thing in the back of your truck. The only problem would be finding a big enough pan to cook it in.

  2. I want to know what size hook and bait he used. I'm picturing using 1/4" Spectra rope tied to a gaff hook with a 5lb ham on it for bait.

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    A friend of mine told me a story while he was stationed at Laughlin AFB in the 70s on the Texas/ Mexico border. Not far away is Lake Amistad. They would routinely send divers down to check the dam. One day they go out in the boat and the diver goes under. Several minutes go by and he surfaces and climbs in the boat. They asked him what was wrong. He said he got down pretty deep and ran into a catfish the size of a Volkswagen Beetle. He continued to remove his dive gear and told them they can find someone else.


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