Thursday, June 08, 2023

Bruen strikes again

The U.S. government cannot ban people convicted of non-violent crimes from possessing guns, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday.

The 11-4 ruling from the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest defeat for gun control laws in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year expanding gun rights nationwide.

Apparently one of the judges doesn't understand the thing about 'if it's unconstitutional, it cannot stand' thing.
"Where, as here, the legislature has made a reasonable and considered judgment to disarm those who show disrespect for the law, it is not the place of unelected judges to substitute that judgment with their own," wrote Circuit Judge Cheryl Ann Krause, one of the dissenters.
He may be a slimeball, but if this violates the Constitution it is EXACTLY the place of judges to say so.  

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