Monday, June 05, 2023

Assuming these people can read, I have a book for them called

Lacey and His Friends, so they can have a look at the future they want.  The idiots.
Roughly three in 10 Americans under 30 favor “the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity,” according to the results of a new Cato Institute survey.


  1. Good book. Very scary dystopian future.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    One third of people surveyed must be idiots. Sounds more like an Onion story.

  3. Americans under 30? I assume we're talking about adults so 18-30? Cato article does not specify.

    Never mind the equipment expense, logistics and personnel costs for manufacture, distribution, installation and monitoring of even a single IP camera in every household (what, 130 million) but the bandwidth required for all that video?

    OK, so it's about as physically possible as everyone going EV but this stat just underlines the level of indoctrination of Gen Z on average. What a bunch of rebels.

    I'm thankful that my kids got their primary education in a tiny one-dog town in the sticks where the mean age of the staff was about 60 and they were taught to actually think.

  4. Phssthpok3:38 AM


    I used that one for an ORAL book report back in 8th(?) grade.

    Teacher was....stunned I think is the best descriptor.

  5. It’s already here, “hey Alexa” and folks are willingly paying for it themselves.

  6. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Go look for the Flock "Safety" ALPR Cameras in your AO.....unobtrusive black painted 10ft pole with solar panel on top and camera just below it on the side of the road. They're EVERYWHERE all of a sudden in metro Atlanta counties.


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