Monday, May 15, 2023

There's nothing to replace the power they want to shut off(because Climate Change!),

but they're just certain the Magical Underpants Gnome will show up in the nick of time and save it all.

Or they just want to trash the grid and don't actually care what happens to the country.  Or the world, for that matter.


  1. when the epa finally shuts everything down, what need will there be for an epa? maybe we need to get rid of them now and avoid the rush.

  2. It sure looks like they are using bureaucrats & "new rules" to tear society down.
    No one to vote out of office for doing it because the EPA bureaucrats are just there....

  3. They actually don't want most of us to have ANY of the conveniences of modern society. That includes electrical power...reliable or otherwise. The goal is the death of most of us with the rest of us living as feudal serfs serving the tiny portion that have seized power. What's going on isn't all that complicated and they aren't even trying to hide what they are doing or why. The criminals in power no longer fear anyone or anything. Till that changes the abuse continues and worsens.


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