Monday, May 08, 2023

The people wanting to demand 'Electric Everything!' are idiots

Including the one in the White House.
Today, a clean diesel truck can spend 15 minutes fueling anywhere in the country and then travel about 1,200 miles before fueling again. In contrast, today’s long-haul battery electric trucks have a range of about 150-330 miles and can take up to 10 hours to charge.
A new, clean-diesel long-haul tractor typically costs in the range of $180,000 to $200,000. A comparable battery-electric tractor costs upwards of $480,000. That $300,000 upcharge is cost-prohibitive for the overwhelming majority of motor carriers. More than 95% of trucking companies are small businesses operating ten trucks or fewer.
Weight factors are another inconvenient truth. Battery-electric trucks, which run on two approx. 8,000-lb. lithium iron batteries, are far heavier than their clean-diesel counterparts. Since trucks are subject to strict federal weight limits, mandating battery-electric will decrease the payload of each truck, putting more trucks on the road and increasing both traffic congestion and tailpipe emissions.

Now, I want those idiots to attempt to understand just how stupid their demand to make 'all military vehicles electric by 2030' truly is.


  1. This isn't stupidity. It's part of a deliberate plan. The goal is the complete END to the entire oil/gas/diesel infrastructure. They are pushing the EV fiction as a means to achieve this goal. Once the gas/oil industry is no more they allow the EV industry...which CANNOT do what they say it die also. The GOAL is the complete and total end to privately owned transportation.

  2. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I'd bet their aim is to devalue the petroleum industry, buy it up at rock bottom prices, and then control the rest of the world through energy policies and enrich themselves.

    Yes, EV's are the means to an end.

    Yes, it's tinfoil. But it's my hat and I'm gonna wear it.

  3. Indeed. Arthur Clarke said to never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, but I believe he got it wrong.
    These people aren't stupid. There is an abundance of evidence, proof, and genuine common sense that anyone with even a smattering of physics/chemistry/thermodynamics knowledge can use to understand the truth about EVs and renewables in detail.
    This bullshit is just that. A means by which we can all be gradually reduced to mere shadows of our former glories, to satiate some agenda or other.
    All those promoting this, I invite to go straight to hell. If they cannot find the way, I am happy to provide directions.
    Mike in Canada

  4. Valid points, but you forgot the impact on the electric infrastructure. A nice fleet of electric semi's is a nice fantasy, but what happens when the fleet plugs in for a recharge? Plugging 10 to 20 percent of the national fleet will have wires smoking across the country. The old saying "Follow the money" is quite applicable here. The trucking industry is a 700+ billion dollar a year industry. Cripple it and the trains will have to take over. Oddly, I haven't heard any talk of converting the trains to all electric. I'm sure the major stockholders in the railroad lines would be happy with a 700+ dollar a year increase in business.


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