Saturday, May 27, 2023

Speaking of .gov employees who may have need

of a lesson,
For those of you who didn't follow the case, the EPA tried to tell a couple that they couldn't build a home on their own property because the backfill was "discharging pollutants into a navigable water." Which is weird, because a soggy backyard isn't a navigable water.
The EPA lost in a unanimous decision by the Supremes, rightly so, and now some of the usual suspects, such as Sen. Schumer, are losing their shit because 'the MAGA Supreme Court is eroding environmental laws!', etc.

I wonder which part of 'unanimous' he doesn't understand?


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    What part of Constitutional limits on government power doesn't Schumer not understand? ALL OF THEM.

  2. the government needs a continuous supply of issues, concerns and problems in order to justify their jobs, their authority and their pensions. we have too much government in the usa.

  3. You don't actually believe the EPA is going to pay any attention to an inconvenient court ruling do you? There is NO mechanism in place to hold them accountable. Therefore they will continue to continue doing whatever the hell they wish to do. They'll just change tack and come at them from a different direction. Eventually the victims of government corruption such as this simply run out of money and can't continue the court fights. Then the agencies win.


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